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NAAC Steelband Program

In an effort to satisfy one of the Naparima Alumni Association of Canada's stated aims and objectives, "To provide an avenue for educational and cultural interaction with the society at large", NAAC has developed a Steelband partnership program with the Toronto District School Board.  NAAC lends its support to the regular music program that offers music courses using steelpans, while the school allows NAAC to use their music room and instruments for NAAC-sponsored community steelpan classes. 

If you are interested in learning to play the steel pan ...

email Winston Poon   or Tel: 416-553-3018 for information on classes held at West Humber Collegiate Institute


Hillview College

Iere High School

Naparima College

Naparima Girls' H.S.

St. Augustine Girls' H.S.



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